Now with all new cards!
Кан 2024
Списък с победители
Free as in beer.
The greatest theme for writing.
The technonomicon is the book of the devs. This card allows you to author content in unique ways, and remix it across your site using the combined powers of MDX and technomancy.
Play this card command the book of the devs.
These two cards use the same file for content. They simply have a different wrapper. A wrapper which has total control of how the elements are rendered, because of the power of MDX.
Победител в Кан
Free as in beer.
The greatest theme for writing.
The technonomicon is the book of the devs. This card allows you to author content in unique ways, and remix it across your site using the combined powers of MDX and technomancy.
Play this card command the book of the devs.